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Version: 1.1



Custom Theme

Create custom file osmi.config.js (optional)

export default {
colors: {
// custom colors
spacing: {
// custom spacing
border: {
width: {
// border width
radius: {
// border radius
font: {
family: {
// font family
size: {
// font size
lineHeight: {
// line height
letterSpacing: {
// letter spacing
shadow: {
// shadows


OsmiCSX includes a <OsmiProvider /> component, which makes the OsmiCSX available to the rest of your app:

import { OsmiProvider } from "osmicsx";
import theme from "./osmi.config.js"; // your custom style file
import App from "App.js"; // your main app

return (
<OsmiProvider theme={theme}>
<App />